Monday, December 6, 2010


My best advice to future students is to not become a procrastinator. What does this mean? Well, don’t put things off. Once you begin to put things off such as chores and assignments it becomes virtually unfeasible to break the bad habit. For example, if you have a paper due a month from now, begin it three to four weeks prior…not 3 days before. This will always help relieve stress and you’ll probably do a more efficient job on your work as well.  When you procrastinate it becomes very overwhelming. Trust me, I would now. Ever since I began college I procrastinated and every year it seems to get worse and worse. A regular easy assignment can become the biggest, hardest, longest project ever!

Procrastinator: noun. Someone who constantly puts off or delays something.
Virtually: adverb. Almost, close to being.
Unfeasible: adjective. Capable of being done.
Prior: adjective. At an earlier time, before.
Relieve: verb. To ease something, alleviate.
Stress: noun. Physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension.
Overwhelming: adjective. Something that is overpowering.

Vocabulary Exercise:
Unscramble the vocabulary words:

Grammar Point
Superlatives are adjective and adverbs that end in -est. I use superlatives in this blog. What are they? What are the superlatives referring to? Make a list of a least 5 superlatives.
If you click'll be taken to a site to read the funniest story about Richard...and you'll learn the easiest way to use the coolest superlatives!

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