Thursday, December 9, 2010


December weather brings about many things: colder weather, gloves, hats, scarves, winter coats, but most importantly, Christmas. I have never been more excited to decorate than I was this year. My boyfriend and I adventured out shopping last week and bought an ample amount of Christmas decorations.  We bought our first tree and assorted ornaments to go with it. The one squabble we came across, however, was a dispute over colored or white lights. Growing up with my family we always had colored lights on the tree. My boyfriend, on the other hand, always had white. As you can probably guess we both wanted the opposite of what we grew up with. I let him win this one. We have colored light on our first tree. Personally I think white lights on prettier.

Decorate:  verb. The act of decorating and putting up things.
Adventured:  verb. To go out or have an unique or unusual experience of doing something.
Ample:  adjective. A good, sufficient amount of something.
Decorations:  noun. Something used for decorating.
Assorted:  adjective. Different types, kinds of a particular item.
Dispute:  noun. An argument or disagreement.
Squabble:  noun. A petty quarrel.
Vocabulary Exercise
Fill in the blanks:
Every year we _______________ our tree, and also put up many _________________ around our home. There are an ____________ amount of decorations that we ______________ out to purchase. We bought different types of decorations and ornaments so we have an _____________. We had a petty _________ at the store about the color of lights to put on the tree. However, I lost the ______________ and now we have colored lights.
Practice your comparatives and superlative below:
Grammar Point
Comparatives are verbs and adverbs that end in –er.
Which are the comparative in my blog? Are there any superlatives?

Monday, December 6, 2010


My best advice to future students is to not become a procrastinator. What does this mean? Well, don’t put things off. Once you begin to put things off such as chores and assignments it becomes virtually unfeasible to break the bad habit. For example, if you have a paper due a month from now, begin it three to four weeks prior…not 3 days before. This will always help relieve stress and you’ll probably do a more efficient job on your work as well.  When you procrastinate it becomes very overwhelming. Trust me, I would now. Ever since I began college I procrastinated and every year it seems to get worse and worse. A regular easy assignment can become the biggest, hardest, longest project ever!

Procrastinator: noun. Someone who constantly puts off or delays something.
Virtually: adverb. Almost, close to being.
Unfeasible: adjective. Capable of being done.
Prior: adjective. At an earlier time, before.
Relieve: verb. To ease something, alleviate.
Stress: noun. Physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension.
Overwhelming: adjective. Something that is overpowering.

Vocabulary Exercise:
Unscramble the vocabulary words:

Grammar Point
Superlatives are adjective and adverbs that end in -est. I use superlatives in this blog. What are they? What are the superlatives referring to? Make a list of a least 5 superlatives.
If you click'll be taken to a site to read the funniest story about Richard...and you'll learn the easiest way to use the coolest superlatives!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


This year was the first year my boyfriend and I decided to host Thanksgiving. Not to mention the first year we had to cook as well! Everything went okay although I believe we could have done better on timing everything. We had our family come over at all different times (although the goal was 3). The food was not all ready at the same time and we had to keep reheating things in the oven waiting for others to arrive. My boyfriend had never carved a turkey before and suddenly came to realize he was not good at it. All in all, I thought everything tasted pretty good and everyone was stuffed according to tradition. By around 8 o’clock everyone was ready for their nap and went home so we realized that we had accomplished a successful Thanksgiving. At least by not burning or ruining anything; no one argued so that’s always a good sign right? Anyway, I hope everyone had a pleasant time with their families as well!

Host: verb. to have an event, celebration or party at your residence or planned by you.
Carved:  verb .the way in which you cut a turkey or any other large piece of meat
Tradition: noun. the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc., from generation to generation, esp. by word of mouth or by practice.
Accomplish: verb. To perform, carry out a task.
Successful: achieving or having achieved success.
Pleasant: adjective. something that is agreeable or enjoyable.

Vocabulary Exercise
Fill in the blanks:
This year I am having a party for New Years. I will ______the party.
My boyfriend realized he was not very good at ___________ a turkey.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful __________ and holiday.
The weather was not very __________ on Thanksgiving this year.
Our thanksgiving was ______________because everyone enjoyed the food.
You have now ____________ finishing this exercise.

Grammar Point
A preposition is a part of speech, just like nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. Prepositions may seem a little tricky to figure out at first, but it's fairly easy to show kids how to identify them and use them properly.
Make a list of as many prepositions as you can from the above blog.
Visit the links below to learn more about prepositions see a video and play a game!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Dr. Oz Show

I’m not the biggest television fan but occasionally when I do put it on I enjoy watching something educational. Having some variety is always a good thing and I now find myself captivated by the Dr. Oz show. Not only is the show educational but Dr. Oz has a very enthusiastic and bubbly personality which draws you in. The best part? Well, of course, you learn about the human body and how to keep yourself healthy by daily diet and exercise. The show always has sweepstakes and free samples which can be claimed on the website. Everyone should watch the Dr. Oz show at least once. It contains a lot of good information!

Fan: noun. A person who is fanatic.
Occasionally: adjective. Something that occurs frequently
Variety: noun. A number of different types of things.
Captivated: verb. To be very interested in something
Enthusiastic: adjective. When someone or something is very excited about one thing or another.
Bubbly: adjective. Someone with a very friendly, outgoing personality.
Sweepstakes: noun. A raffle or game in which you win a prize.
Vocabulary Exercise:
Unscramble the following words and use each in a unique sentence:
Grammar Point:
There are four different types of sentences. Declarative (makes a statement), Interrogatory (forms/asks a question), Imperative (makes a demand), and Exclamatory (exclaims something). In this blog I included one of each. Copy down each one and label what type of sentence it is. After you finish this create your own sentences for each type.

CSI: Cold and Flu Symptoms, Pt. 1

Do you really know the difference between a cold and the flu? Dr. Oz tells you the symptoms you need to look out for. Plus, why flu treatments won��...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Buying our first home

In March, my boyfriend Allon and I purchased our first home. We bought a cooperative unit also known as a Co-op in Queens. The concept behind a co-op is very similar to that of a condominium (condo). There are blocks of different buildings with two floors that house residents. Co-ops, unlike most apartments however, are purchased not rented. Although Allon had moved numerous times throughout his life, this was my first move. It was both very exciting and stressful at the same time. I love our home, the neighborhood we live in and our new neighbors. On the other hand, working a full time job, going to graduate school and maintaining a home is a lot of work. This lifestyle change has certainly caused to me reevaluate my life objectives and priorities. We don’t go out as much, we cook more, grocery shop more, spend a lot of time home and try to save as much money as possible. I’ve learned that saving is very important, especially with unforeseen expenses around our home and with our puppy. It’s definitely been challenging but worth all the while.

Cooperative unit (co-op): noun. An apartment, unit or home where people own a number of shares of real estate.
Concept: noun. A general idea.
Condominium (condo): noun. An apartment, unit or home where people own the property.
Maintain: verb. To keep in a good condition.
Reevaluate: verb. To re-think about something.
Objective: noun. Something that one works to gain.
Priority: noun.  Something that comes first because it is important.
Unforeseen: adjective. When you don’t know if something will happen.
Expense: noun. A cost.

Vocabulary Exercise:
Fill in the blanks with the corresponding vocabulary word:

1. Having a dog is a costly _____________.
2.  If your dog suddenly becomes sick and you have to take him to the Vet this is a _____________ expense.
3. Cleaning helps to _______________ your home.  
4. One’s family is usually most important and a top _________________ in their life.
5. My ____________ is to graduate and become an ESL teacher.
6.  A general idea is also known as a ______________.
7. I purchased a _____________ also known as a number of shares in real estate.
8. When you purchase a _____________ you own the property.
9. When trying to save money, you should ________________ your purchases carefully.

Grammar Point:
A noun is a person, place, thing or idea. Many of the vocabulary words are nouns. Based on their definitions see if you can think of similar words (nouns) for them. Make a list of as many as possible.

Saving money is very important. Regardless of whether you have to take care of your pet or want to buy a new X-Box game you can read some tips below to get you started:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A trip to the farm...

 I recently moved to Queens and I noticed that down the block from me is now the Queens County Farm Museum. I always see a lot of school buses there during the day and I decided to look into what sort of events to farm has to offer for students. As it turns out, numerous elementary schools throughout Long Island and Queens venture to this farm as field trips. The farm’s history dates back to 1697. It is the last remaining working historical farm in New York City. The Queens County Farm Museum also is New York City’s largest area of undisturbed remaining farmland. They are open daily throughout the year and offer guided tours of the farmhouse. Children learn the importance of agriculture, take a tour of a greenhouse, and learn about different animals and much more through hands on workshops. The farm always has activities going on ranging from craft fairs to carnivals. Not only can schools take their students there, but it is a well-known place for families to go as well. Beginning in October, the farm offers pumpkin picking, hay rides, a corn maze and even pumpkin painting. Depending on the season, they also sell fresh fruits, vegetables, milk and eggs. The farm has all different sorts of animals which you are able to feed. Some of the animals include: Cotswold sheep, Heritage pigs and piglets, laying hens, dairy cows, goats and bees.

Venture:  verb. To take a trip to go on an exciting activity.
Historical:  adjective. Having significant history or value.
Undisturbed:  adjective. Something that is in original state and not bothered.
Agriculture:  noun. The occupation of raising crops, breeding, feeding and raising livestock and farming.
Greenhouse:  noun. An area indoors where plants and vegetables are kept and grown within specific temperatures.
Heritage Pigs:  noun. A breed of pig that has been around for centuries that settlers needed to survive in earlier times in our county. They are healthier and heartier than breeds today.

Vocabulary Exercise:
Fill in the blanks:
A room or area indoors used to grow different types of plants is called __________________.
Farmers are a type of people who maintain
____________________ are animals with a history.
The Queens County Farm Museum is the only farm in New York City with historical and __________________ farm land.
The Farm is ___________________ because it has been undisturbed and running since 1697.
Many people _____________________ from far away to visit the farm.

Grammar Point
  • A verb tense helps to indicate a point in time.  Verbs in the present tense are also known as the present simple. We usually use this tense when we are describing actions, events or states that are not limited by time.
  • Make a list of as many verbs in the present simple tense as you can. Think of 3 more verbs in the present simple tense that could replace some of those verbs.
  • To learn more about the Queens County Farm Museum visit their website:
  • To see exactly what the farm has to offer for children educationally see the link below:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


By: Lauren Harbich

Summer’s warmth had kissed our skin,
Our noses pink, freckles descending to the chin.

The breeze had soothingly blown the air,
What a striking sight; a day so fair.

At the water’s edge we smiled with glee,
You held me in your arms so young and carefree.

The sun setting behind us, glowed in the sky,
And the sailboat in the water had caught my eye.

The sky was orange. Purple and pink.
Clouds laced the horizon, we couldn’t blink.

The songs of the gulls lingered in our minds,
A vacation to remember, for all our time.

The smell of summer, so warm and sweet.
The salty ocean water coated our feet.

Taking a snapshot in the middle of the sea.
Jet-skiing, what a thrill. Racing, you against me.

To treasure this moment, and store it in our minds
We took this photograph, a memory for all time.


Descending – [verb]     To go or pass from a higher to a lower place.
Fair – [adjective]         Pleasing in appearance, attractive. 
Glee – [noun]              Happiness, pleasure.
Laced – [verb]             To mark or streak with color.
Horizon – [noun]        The line or circle that forms the apparent
                                   boundary between earth and sky.
Lingered – [verb]       To remain in the same place for longer than
                                   is expected.

Vocabulary Exercise:

Unscramble the following words:

Gilenerd –

Lege –

Gincedsen – 

Ifra –

Aldec –

Zirhoen –

Now use the unscrambled words to help you with the word search

F S U U Q G X S L N M E V I J 
P I Q D M I Y P L T Z S O D U 
L I N G E R E D V A V U X V O 
H I Y H L F R R Z Z Z B D V Z 
Y C B U A X A A Y Q S V I L X 
R Q D Y C G D F J G R I A F M 
J Y Y L E L E D N O J A I C O 
Z U X G D B I I P E I O Z W V 
K H L U C Q D Q E U I S U P B 
D E O X H N B I A Y E U O Y U 
E I W R E Q C Q P S G F C R D 
J G L C I I P M J C C Z J W P 
G N S W N Z W P Z G N E Y T G 
R E R H Z Y O X P E Y D H C Q 

Grammar Point:

  • Poetry helps us express ourselves.
  • In the above poem, I use poetry to describe a photograph.
  • The use of adjectives, adverbs, verbs and nouns all work together to create a story and description.
  • Using your own ideas, create a poem about a photograph significant to you.
  • HINT: Use as many adjectives as possible. Remember...they help to describe your writing and add "color" to your image!


Below you can visit two websites to learn more about poetry and see different kinds of writing prompts to help you get started.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Breast Cancer Awareness

It recently came to my attention that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I have seen many local businesses making motivating efforts to help promote this cause. When I walked into my local hair salon to get a haircut, I noticed all the hairdressers wearing pink ribbons and the salon had many light pink balloons decorated throughout the store.  When I asked why this was, one of the women informed me that they are currently helping to support the foundation by asking for and accepting donations. The women that work there are even making a friendly competition out of it by challenging each other to obtain the most customers to donate. As well, the company I currently work for has been selling pink pens designed with the breast cancer logo on them. Twenty cents of each pen sold are going towards proceeds to aid the foundation. I noticed that many female customers have been extremely generous with their purchases of these pens in order to make a donation. Even though October is labeled as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the organization encourages support all year long. The main goal of the organization is to raise the awareness of the general public on the importance of the disease and make everyone aware of how they can help.


motivating   [to motivate] –[verb]. To create a reason or incentive for an action.
effort –noun. Activity intended to accomplish or provide something.
promote [to promote] - verb. To help or encourage.
support [to support] –[verb]. The help, assist.
foundation – noun. A company funded by donations and history to help with research and education.
donation – noun.  A gift or contribution.
challenging [to challenge] – verb. To require a contest of skill, strength.
aid [to aid] – verb. To help, provide relief and support.
aware – verb – having or showing knowledge or understanding.  

Vocabulary Exercise:

Complete the crossword puzzle below using the vocabulary.










3. A company that helps others is called a _____________.
4. To encourage.
5. To do something for a cause is to be_____________.
7. Showing knowledge and understanding.
8. To provide relief and support.
9. To create a contest is a ___________ for others.
1. __________ shows an action to accomplish something.
2. To help.
6. A gift or contribution.

Grammar Point:

Many of the vocabulary words and words used throughout the paragraph are verbs. According to the definitions think about what other verbs can be used to substitute the ones I used. Rewrite the paragraph by replacing the verbs I used with your own.


October began last Friday. To get a jumpstart on what you can do to help, or to find out further information on the organization please visit the two websites below: